Zero Export Controller (LogX-ZE)

Case 1- Net Metering is not permissible or possible.

Case 2- Net Meter installation is getting delayed, using Zero Export Solution solar plant can be operated. It will ensure Solar Plant will generate less power than Load power to avoid any kind of export of power.

Case 3- If limited power export allowed.

Zero Export is the perfect solution

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Zero Export

LogX ZE is 4G/WiFi enabled smart IOT based monitoring and controlling solution for the solar plants. Zero export controller understands load power from the energy meter installed at consumer LT panel which has been connected to Zero Export Controller over RS485. Zero Export Controller controls the solar inverter power generation in such a way that export of grid shall not happen.

SN Item Link
1 LogX ZE Datasheet Click Here
2 LogX ZE Brochure Click Here
3 LogX HMI (Configuration software) Click Here